
わたしたち|chocoshoe store|では

✨chocoshoe storeはおもに作家さんのものを置いているお店なのですが、RICHMORE、AVRIL 、ダルマ手編糸などの毛糸やCloverさんの手芸用品を販売している手芸店でもあります。

chocoshoe store sell selected items from various artists and crafters. 
We also sell yarns and threads from RICHMORE,AVRIL, Daruma and haberdashery from Clover. 
We don't display the actual yarns at the store, we just display the yarn samples to choose. We will get the chosen yarn from the back of the store. 
The owner of chocoshoe is knit designer herself and other staff are also specialists for knitting .
We can give you some advice for knitting like technical issues and appropriate yarn for your projects. Please feel free to ask any questions about knitting , yarn and

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